
Ecological Damages
In recent years, the  Nevados or Galciers of South America have been hit hard by the effects of global warming and as a result, the melting of the polar ice of the glaciers are occurring and have even made the Ice Cathedrals disappear. The Ice Cathedrals were huge caverns in the floor of the ice cap of Nevado del Ruiz, which existed even before 1995.

The current situation of the Nevados are a concern for the last twenty years as there have been changes in climate where the temperature has risen 0.7 degrees Celsius therefore affecting the Andes and the highest peaks covered with snow and ice, causing environmental damage. In addition, this predicts its disappearance during this century.

The impacts of deforestation forecast that by 2100 global temperatures will rise 1.3 degrees Celsius in the tropics, and if the trees are removed, the source of water in the atmosphere will be devastated, which means it will not be able to form clouds. The significance of this is that clouds reflect the solar radiation from the surface of the earth, and if they are eliminated, would result in a marked warming in the tropics.

Globally, 13 million hectares are devastated by chainsaws each year. The present century is dominated by industrial deforestation. In an analysis of 41 countries between 2000 and 2005, it was revealed that the loss of forests is linked to the growth of urban and agricultural exports.

Climate change is reflected in global warming and has caused damage to the snowy regions. The data is concerning, for example, the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Study of Colombia, revealed in a study presented in 2009 to the United Nations that the glacial area in the country indicates a rapid deglaciation in the past three decades showing losses of 3-5% coverage per year.  With this level, it is possible that in three or four decades there may exist only a small glacier mass in the highest peaks.

For the Colombian Nevados, we call for policies to curb activities that generate global warming and the death of water sources.

Another concern are the activities that generate pollution and deforestation, such as mining on large-scale, creating devastation and destruction of the territories and leading to pollution of water and air quality with the mercury that causes irreparable damage to fish, predators and the human nervous system.

Coca production also leads to deforestation. In a recent study by Environmental Science and Technology, it was found that between 2002 and 2007 there was a direct destruction of 890 square kilometers of rainforests. The complexity of this phenomenon has to do with the lack of development, as coca cultivation increased migration, there was more deforestation correlated to this

These elements have a finite lifetime of the snow Nevados and thus the production of water and conflicts over water resources will not wait if this continues. In 1990, snow covered tropical Andean regions of 1065 miles square, with 70% in Peru, 20% in Bolivia and the remainder in Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela, with an estimated loss of 10% per decade.


The Amazon Basin is characterized by being the largest extension of humid tropical forest, and one of the main sources of the planet’s biodiversity, and consists mostly of tropical humid forests, swampy jungles, and savannas holding  high biological diversity.

The Amazon Basin is a very important contributor to the environmental equilibrium and the guarantee of future life in this planet. It also holds 20% of the fresh water existing in the planet. The Amazon region covers almost half of the South American territory; it embraces parts of Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, Suriname, French Guyana, and Guyana. 

This area is also the cause of several disputes. It is a very important area, particularly for those who are interested in the chains of modified genetic patterns, to provide and guaranty enormous wealth to its holders. 

The Amazon River is the widest in the world and in Leticia its width is 1 Km. and in the rainy season it expands even more. The Amazon holds an equivalent to 1/fifth of the rainwater of the world. Here it rains more than12 times than in the Nile River. 


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